ESG Reporting & Communication Guidance

Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, Standards, and Frameworks can be Overwhelming

Materiality aims to separate the signal from the noise by explicitly tying company activities to financial and operational performance. 

Once efforts are aligned with stated goals and KPIs, a proper and effective narrative – specific to each target audience – will convey your journey and set proper context and expectations among stakeholders. Effective communication may not only win-over customers but it may also facilitate lending, insurance, regulatory, and investors’ relations.

M Consulting is aware of the “green-washing” landscape and will only work to provide transparent and effective communication guidance for specific target audiences. 

Carlos Solano, speaking to over 150 employees, the CEO, and the executive team of a private company

Aligning KPIs with Effective KPNs (Key Performance Narratives)

M Consulting helps you succintly communicate your Sustainability & ESG efforts as effective KPI-KPN pairs

Survey and/or reporting fatigue?

Avoid 100-page Sustainability reports for only a handful of readers. Carlos can help you create succinct yet effective messaging to specific audiences!

FSA Credential from SASB
Essential ESG Support
Carlos Solano - LinkedIn