Vendor Due-Diligence & Implementation Support

The Right Partners Make a Great Difference

All the information and willingness may be available to provide service providers with meaningful data, but no single department or POC (Point-of-Contact) may be ready to provide the necessary information. Carlos can spend time with executives and managers from different departments, understand concerns and difficulties, and become a single POC for ESG-related projects. 

M Consulting can help your organization save time and effort by handling all calls and meetings with potential service providers

After identifying projects through a Materiality-guided strategy, M Consulting helps through due diligence of service providers in many ESG areas (i.e. energy, supply chain, water, employee & community engagement, etc.) and recommend the ones most apt for each project.

Each Project (i.e. Solar) Needs a Very Specific Due-Diligence Process, with Well Thought-Out Questions

M Consulting is vendor-agnostic and will only recommend the service providers with the most experience in dealing with the client’s specific challenges

Are you effectively following through with your ESG goals?

Carlos can help you overcome barriers and support Sustainability champions within your organization!

FSA Credential from SASB
Essential ESG Support
Carlos Solano - LinkedIn